How to buy Hiwin HGW45CAEZAP Block?
- The first thing is that you should check your hiwin block ID number. Then purchase correct hiwin block.
- If your hiwin ID just has HGW20CA and there is no letter after it, Then you just need to purchase HGW20CA-Z0C because your hiwin block is just standard block and no need to purchase extra featurers block. Z0C is standard feature.
Hiwin HGW45CAEZAP Block
Size: 45 mm
Load Type: Heavy Load
Block: Special Block
Preload Class: Medium Preload (0.05 ~ 0.07C)
Precision Code: P
Durst Protection: Standard protection (End seal and bottom seal)
Lubrication: None
Metallic End Cap:Â None
Total Height:Â 50.50 mm
Total Width:Â 120.00 mm
Total Length:Â 139.40Â mm
Bolt Hole Spacing – Width:Â 100.00Â mm
Bolt Hole Spacing – Length:Â 80.00Â mm
Hole Diameter:Â 11.00Â mm
Thread Size: